Examples of projects

Feasibility Study for the Development of MSW for ENP countries
EMSA has selected the consortium composed by Open Plan Consulting and Circle Spa for realising a Feasibility Study in order to assess the possibility of developing a Maritime National Single Window for each country of the European Neighbourhood or a Regional Maritime Single Window for a joint group of beneficiaries, which would be hosted in the Agency’s premises.
A Maritime Single Window environment set up or supported by the European Union could provide tangible benefits, such as centralised information flows, automated verification and analysis of exchanged information, processing of data and optimisation routines, management of data submissions in different stages of trade and transport.

Update and regulation of the Cape Verde Maritime Code
Open Plan Consulting leads an international partnership, comprising the Accademia Italiana della Marina Mercantile of Genoa and with Miranda & Associados of Lisbon.
The objective of the contract is to review, modernise and develop implementing regulation for the current Cape Verde Maritime Code (CMCV) so that the country is equipped with legislation that facilitates maritime activities in its various aspects.
The is implemented by a team of highly skilled experts in Maritime Law and Maritime Economy, led by the OPC consultant Professor Rui Guerra Da Fonseca.

WWPal Project
This assignment supports the Union of Palestinian Water Service Providers (UPWSP) to a better management of wastewater. The assignment, funded by the Italian Cooperation (AICS), sees the Italian municipality of Prato as leader, and several public partners such as: PIN Prato, Cispel Toscana, GIDA, ANCI Toscana, Regional Water Authority (AIT), Water Right Foundation. It is the follow-up of the previous assignment to support the merging of rural water providers within the Bethlehem Governorate, and vocational training to UPWSP on general water management.